I was trying to work out a clever sub-title but I couldn’t come up with one specific to DC Universe Online.
Originally, I wasn’t a big fan of DCUO. I spent a number of years with City of Heroes and had a lot of time and fond memories invested. There was a depth of character design with the class-based structure and variety of powers inside those classes that made for some excellent and varied concepts.
So for a while I passed on DCUO. CoH closed it’s doors for good in November and with that I’m left looking for a new surrogate cape game. As sometimes I just wanna bounce thugs.
DCUO is pretty, steeped in DC Lore and riddled with characters guiding you to missions or advising on strategies. You play as your own hero within one of their few powersets. Each powerset comes pre-packed to do damage with an alternate roll unlocked later.
The game is well engineered and available on PC and PS3 with separate servers for each. It feels like a console port which is bad, but it feels like a well-built game which is good. The balance has prompted me to plug in my old gamepad for the first time in years and give it a go.
As another F2P game it’s worth giving a look at if you like Superhero games and are interested in playing as someone other than Superman or Batman. This isn’t an iconic character game. I’d also more heavily promote it if you were a fan of DC comics. I’m not as big a fan as I could be and so the encounter with Gorilla Grond was almost lost on me.
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