So.. it’s been a year. I find myself in a strange level of contemplation. My domain renewal comes up and while I fully intend to renew I have begun to wonder if perhaps I’m not advertising enough. But do I post enough to advertise? Do I care enough to post?
Aside from renewal several other events have appeared on my radar in just the last week or two.
July 3rd – Amazing Spider-Man. An excellent looking reboot taking us to Peter’s science background and the Lizard. I really appreciate them trying to reboot the series and give us a different spin. Hopefully it works, Spider Man 3 was terrible.
July 20th – Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, fully on my radar but a solid ‘meh’. I’ve never been the biggest fan of the Bane storyline and Batman falls a solid fourth on my list of DC heroes I’d love to see filmed or even serialized in television.
August 28th – Guild Wars 2 releases. I’ll begin my character-driven writing project found elsewhere on this site.
September 18th – Borderlands 2, which I’ll be pre-ordering any day now.
My summer is a vast desert of time dotted with moments of Awesome before being swathed in emptiness while I wait for my precious games to release. Meanwhile I’m watching companies crank out bad media left and right.
SimCity Social is like all the other Facebook Social games where you don’t actually play a game. You just click along every x minutes to collect money/resources. I play them as much as I play any of them, for a few weeks before I get frustrated at a walled progress behind a limit of actions per hour and social impetus. Most my FB friends don’t play the games and what few games ‘they’ play, I mostly don’t. C’est la vie.
EVE Online continues to catch my attention and receive my token subscription. All I’ve done in the last few months is train skills, something I might change up here in a few weeks, if only to stretch my spacing legs and do a mission or two.
I’m still playing Dragon’s Dogma, having started for a third time and settled on Mystic Knight, i’m happily taking my time with quests and various monster hunting pursuits. Soon as I finish it this time I’m going to settle in for Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. I’m probably over a year behind on playing through but I find some things are better savored at the right time. I need to put some time with Batman: Arkham City, I haven’t spent more than 4 hours with it since it came out. I’ve been shamefully neglectful.
What little fanbase I have, I appreciate you. All of you. I don’t look at my metrics because I don’t believe knowing who or how many people visit would alter my perspective. Until next time friends.
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