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Author: Leprekawn

Having witnessed it's glory days ago, I now hold the Malformed Fork and it's wisdom should be spread.

Star Trek Online: How I spent my Winter Holiday

During the last week of December I made a cursory recommendation to a coworker regarding STO.  In hindsight I thought maybe I should eat the porridge I’m going to serve and play the game for more than 5 minutes during beta several years ago.

So it being Free to Play and me being something of a Star Trek fan I set my download for Friday night and started in Saturday, December 22nd.  At no point in the following week would I have told you with a straight face that “I liked the game”.  66 hours in, it became rather apparent that whether or not i could vocalize my appreciation, I found something there worth my time.

STO breaks the traditional quest model a little with allowing you to phone in your completion, saving you a lengthy trip back to Spacedock or Planet 12 or wherever you need to go.  Space is big and reading your mission text carefully is necessary to know where you’re going.  All the missions are level adjusted to your character so as you move along you’re constantly fighting klingons and romulans and borg within your reach.  Missions are a nice variety of exploration, combat vs the local antagonist (I killed a LOT of Orions Raiders) all with a mild level of puzzling built in.  At one point I had to help a Ferengi put his replicator back online by routing power in a necessary order.

For all my time playing I only got 1/3 the way through the second mission ‘Episode’ arc, involving Romulans, and can easily guess I’ve got another week of just solid story mission progression.  Each arc having a theme, i’m looking forward to the Borg arc.

If you like Star Trek, don’t mind the massive multiplayer nature of MMO’s and have a hankering for space combat you should give Star Trek Online a chance.  It’s only available on PC and for Star Trek there aren’t a lot of alternate options out there.

Addendum –

There I was.. midweek.. sitting at my computer exploring some cluster on the edge of space at 2am.  I beam down to a planet that some colonists had commented on strange detections.  I’m scanning a plant-pod and look up to see the rocky formations that form shaded areas.  The abstract nature of it all just kicked in.  “Oh yeah.. i’m playing Star Trek.”

Strange new worlds indeed.

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On Vampire and under-used abilities

I’ve crossed it on occasion as a frequent argument.  Powers that nobody takes or uses, GM’s that argue it’s usefulness.

I fight back, I like to believe there are no choices bad in a tabletop RPG, merely varying in situational relevance.  Such was the discussion last night about having Animalism (the ability to speak and command animals as a Vampire) in a game set in the run-down un-recovered fragmented New Orleans mock-up we’re using.  I’ve wedged my foot into that door as I do with many GM’s, start small establish an idea and then remind them that this idea is workable.  That this idea would be well used here and there.

And there I was.. sitting in a worn-down ward of the city trying to make sense of some semi random murders and wishing I had more accurate information to move on.  “This is where Animalism would be good.” referencing an earlier argument on the usefulness of said powers.  The GM in question has come to an accord on the idea.  So I have at least that much victory.

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My god… so many games that I’ve put money into or want to put money into.

Elite: Dangerous sounds delicious.  I played Elite briefly when I was a but a small child with many dreams and little understanding.  I didn’t get into heavily as I just had no idea what was happening.  20 odd years later and I’m deeply excited to see this happen.  I’ve always remembered it as a complex game about space and trading.  Was I right? No clue, I’ve never gone back.  But I always look forward to a rebuild that looks great.

Legend of Dungeon I put money into, i’m a sucker for quality rpg dungeonish games.  I played the demo briefly and I can see a quality here that will be fantastic once it’s farther along.  If you remember Gauntlet, Castle Crashers, TMNT: Turtles in Time or some of the other early 90’s games you’ll understand the controls easily enough and perhaps even enjoy the approach.

Wastelands 2 is on my radar.  I gave them what it took to get a copy when it launches and I expect to be talking more come next summer.  I’m not normally into post-apocalypse games.  The time after The End is often boring, brown and full of zombie-mutants as though someone forgot to have ideas when building their game.  Wasteland hit many radars forever ago and I decided they had a quality idea after watching the introduction video on Kickstarter.

Numenera is probably not on your radar as much as mine.  My first love was Tabletop RPG’s and it’ll always be a love I come back to.  Monte Cook has been in the industry for nigh unto forever and his other projects I’ve enjoyed.  Numenera stands as an RPG approach to a world that’s seen many civilizations that came and went.  The ninth is the current one you play in, a realm of mystery as the previous civilizations projects or experiments still roam the world.  Also scheduled for sometime next summer.

Planet Annihilation is the last for now.  Real-Time Strategy games were frequent among my rommmates as the easy option for 3/4 person multiplayer.  We played them a lot and we played most of them.  PA looks to take the idea up a notch.  Why settle for smiting a bulding when you can drop a moon and obliterate a planet?  I was so tickled with excitement I barely remember giving them money.  But I’m getting emails about it so clearly I gave them something.

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It was a conversation I had briefly.  Some friends I’m likely to invite here once I have something worth saying or reading.  But the conversation was rooted on the idea that there aren’t a lot of games that have cooperative multiplayer.  Local or otherwise.

I agreed and I still agree.  It’s been a rough idea for a long time.  My sarcastic words “What!? You have FRIENDS and want to PLAY with them? Bah!” have been with me for years and years.  I had four roommates and we played everything together.  Either, at the same time or in the same game.  Tricky for games like Skyrim, easy for games like Borderlands.

So I took to myself the challenge of sorting out my options and seeing what I can find to solve this query.

Expect more this month as I dig into blogs and comment on what’s out there.

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Far Cry 3

This one will be short so you can get back to your lives quickly.  If you liked Skyrim, the open-world exploration and crafting and villain hunting and questing but were thinking: Gee, if only I had a gun.  Well, then Far Cry 3 might be for you.

Far Cry the first was hailed as a serious performance test on your computer.  It was developed for high-performance computers and low-end systems were wheezing to keep up with it’s vicious needs.  Far Cry 3 isn’t hailed as heavily as such a beast but I’d step into these waters carefully.  Far Cry 3 features an open world island where you’re completing tasks/quests for some local villagers to help fend off the encroaching pirates that have taken up residence.  You’ll harvest plant and animal for ingredients to health kits or grenade pouches, you’ll activate derelict radio towers and other esoteric quest to get access to weapons cheaper.  It’s a quest/adventure game set with modern terms and ideas.  Guns, boats, grenades, etc.

So if you liked Skyrim but wanted guns.  Or if you like the ‘roam and shoot’ options Fallout 3 provided but wanted more color or more gameplay then I think you’ve found your next time-sink.  This is an Ubisoft game and for reasons I won’t go into here I won’t be touching it.  But I will admit it’s right up my alley of shoot and loot and craft.  And it looks fun.

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I’ll never know how he found his way into my possessions.  Half a rusted lantern and a tatter of penant were all there was and yet the ghostly spirit hounded me.

I noted to make time to try and communicate with it someday, should it prove to be a manifestation of spiritual energy and not a hallucinatory emanation from the Mad King.

Cohorts within the Bubblegum Brigade coerced me to join them in assaulting the Mad King’s private sanctum.  I assured them it was a bad idea, that nothing good could come of this and yet they insisted.  I won’t say I regretted the choice though I won’t admit I enjoyed it either.

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Four Days of Mild Hell

I was sick.  Like: Sinus pressure so bad I can’t sleep til 2am when fatigue takes hold and I spend the day numbly blowing my nose and largely oblivious to what’s going on around me.

And of course the obnoxious pain was just enough that I spent four days parked in front of my computer.  Mental note, Chlorox the keyboard when I get home.  Did I check my email? No.  Did I answer my phone? No.  Did I post to Facebook? No.  What did I do then? Guild Wars 2.  Something like 40+ hours in four days.

Highlights from the memory reel.  Warning, this is in no particular order or by any means complete.

Made 10g

Spent 11g

Cleared 7 dungeon wings

Cleared Arah Story mode

Cleared Twilight Arbor Story mode

Started leveling a warrior

Started leveling an elementalist

Deleted elementalist

Made decision to reroll warrior with different color skin

Made five bags

Remarked at how I now have 104 item slots on my mesmer

Decided to play more of my mesmer after 40-odd hours of my guardian

Completed exploring Orr

Found an Exotic

Found some rares

Sold all of them

Took part in the weekend Lost Shores event

Promptly got bored of the Weekend event and went back to regular questing.

Met an awesome friend

FB’d awesome friend

Made myself semi-famous with “Dungeon 101”

Dungeon 101: Don’t Stand in It, Don’t Stand in Front, Try not to Suck

Nearly rolled a second guardian what cause I like them so much more than Warrior.

Finally found a staff I can stand looking at for long periods of time.

Got an exotic sword for my guardian what glows blue at night.

Finally learned how to tell time in Guild Wars 2.

With that being said, I was rather sick.  What would I have done instead? Played a crapload of Pokemon.  On account of some technical hurdles I restarted my game.  I wasn’t far in.  But when I really wanted to play Pokemon I couldn’t focus on fine details or long-range strategies.  Yes, we’re still talking about Pokemon.

I’m feeling better now and hope to have better focus on what I’m doing for the next while.


Edit: I’ve added a new category, MMORPG.  Now you can filter based on even more criteria and largely avoid my Guild Wars 2 rambling.

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Dragon Age 2

You would really think I’d be caught up to all the various high-profile games I’ve played in the last five years.

I’m talking about Dragon Age 2 today because I feel it warrants a brief discussion.  I liked Dragon Age for it’s approach to storytelling and prefer DA2 to DA1 because of it’s comparison to Baldur’s Gate.  If you were gaming RPG’s in the late 90’s, you’ll get what I’m talking about.  I liked Baldur’s Gate, don’t get me wrong.  But I liked the graphical and technical approach to DA2 more.  I liked that they deviated from making two games with similar designs.  That each game has it’s own story, mechanics and approach to the world themes they share in common.

Now, I went into DA2 thinking as many Computer Gamers would think.  Get the PC version, it’ll be prettier.

Was it pretty? Yes.  Pretty-er? I’m not so sure.  My roommate got the Xbox 360 version and I got to compare the differences first-hand.

I appreciated the interface on console more than I did on PC.  I was looking for a single character experience with sidekicks that I didn’t have to manage and a quick and easy interface for using my special powers.  If you’ve played Fable or Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning then you’ll pick up the controls quickly.

PC was great for allowing me to pause the game, move between my party members and setup actions before unpausing and moving on.  I liked it, but it wasn’t what I was looking for.  Hindsight being 20/20 I figured I’d share, in case you were considering picking through the bargain bin for something new to play.

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Closing Thoughts, 2012

You might be asking: What? Closing Thoughts? In Mid-November?

Ladies and Gentlemen.  Yes, i’m speaking to all six of you, my amused fanbase.  I close out my tabletop gaming in late November, ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday and free myself and my players from the frustration of trying to schedule their weekly gaming excursion.  I don’t pick it back up until January giving myself some time to plot and consider.

I’m closing out one game this season, Shadowrun comes to a close tonight or next monday.  Either they die, or they escape.  Next year is already shaping up to be a busy run.  I’ve got calls for Werewolf, Shadowrun should pick up in January on schedule and I’ve got some piqued interest for Pathfinder.  All games I’d run.  The tricky part is I can’t usually run more than two games without canning one of them.  Something in me feels like I can do this.

I don’t subscribe to many of the AAA titles that come out of the video-gaming cycles.  I’m not playing Assassin’s Creed though I’ve heard it’s good.  If you like the sneaking and stabbing style then I can’t imagine you’ll be left wanting with another bout of the ‘Creed.  Unconsciously my brain keeps trying to call it Asheron’s Call.  I played Asheron’s Call 2 back in that brief window they kept the servers up.  I liked it alot and would have played it a lot longer save that unfortunate cutoff.  I’d tell you about it’s wonders but it’s been so long I barely remember any of the details.  I remember you could /play an instrument you’d pull out of thin air and if others joined you it would form an orchestra of sorts.

I bought into a new Gameboy DS XL.  Hell, this thing is huge.  My brain is dancing around the idea that I made a mistake in getting one so big.  I’m playing Pokemon Black and later I’ll play Black 2.  That’s all I ever do with my Gameboy as that’s why I get them.  Pokemon is, as it’s ever been, a game about collecting creatures and putting them to battle.  Pokemon is classically a kids game, but there are complicated breeding aspects that I can’t see making sense to a six-year old.  I’m a collector at heart and Pokemon is a nearly perfect fit.

I’m going to be looking into Machinima and what they offer to YouTube broadcasters.  See if I could make something out of recording playthroughs.  If that were the case, you’d likely see more writing and more games.

2012, you were awesome.  You’ll see more of me but for the time I’m waiting for Star Command, Wasteland 2 and Planetary Annihilation.


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XCOM: Enemy Unknown vs Tiny Tower

I love strategy games.  They allow for a pacing and approach allowing you a chance to theorize and consider.  Not as frantic and panic stricken as Fighting games or Racers.

Inside that genre you could ask me about almost any title and if I haven’t played it I’ve played something similar.  Whether or not I heard about it is another matter.

Mid last week I picked up a free smartphone game ‘Tiny Tower‘ also available on iPhone (more on that in a moment).  Tiny Towers sets you in a managerial position of operating a highrise starting with the first floor.  The lobby is in itself nothing special as I started on Android.  As a casual game it’s pretty solid, much akin to Game Dev Story what ate my weekend some months back.  You make income from tenants living in your residential levels to work in your various merchant levels.  Each floor you add gives you space to fill with merchants as you wish, each tenant working in a store unlocks the ability to ‘stock’ an additional commodity.  Stocked commodities sell, earning you cash you use to buy more levels.  Each floor can have one of six options, each option having many many variations.

Your tenants each have their own array of stats indicating where they’d best be situated and a dream job.  Placing a resident in their dream job does two things.  One, you get paid 2 Bux you can use to speed up stocking or trade for cash.  Two, one of the three commodities gets doubled for it’s output vastly increasing the profit margin from restocking fees.

Many of the concepts will be familiar to anyone who’s played a mobile/facebook game in the last three years.  The concepts of Do x, Get y are very similar.  It’s the Magic Money approach that caught me off guard and keeps me playing.  The Bux you earn from various tasks ‘can’ be bought with real money as with many games.  But they can also regularly and easily be earned by just playing the game.

Visitors will show up periodically including VIP’s that reward you in cash or Bux for helping them get where they’re going.  All in all, I can play this like a Facebook game and plug in for five minutes every hour or so.  Or I can keep playing, sending visitors along their way and making progress as I go.  That being said, I’ve logged more hours in Tiny Towers than I thought I might.  I had fun and for ‘Free’ I can’t suggest anything other than Try It Out.

XCOM has a rich and well respected history as turn-based strategy with strong combat themes.  The core idea is that aliens are attacking Earth and you’re the only line of defense.  I haven’t actually played the latest incarnation but everything I’ve read and seen suggests it’s a quality addition to the XCom lineage.  A word of caution, XCOM is and has always been a strong mix of Long-Term strategic resource management and Tactical effort.  From my understanding this isn’t a ‘fast’ game.

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