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Author: Leprekawn

Having witnessed it's glory days ago, I now hold the Malformed Fork and it's wisdom should be spread.


I quested for a night among the snowy tops of the Shiverpeaks, a land I despise for the piercing cold.  I have places I would rather be, but I have a task at hand.

Durmond Priory has a way of poking their nose into business better left for Warriors.  I found many of their encampments dangerously close to Dredge excavations, some of them right in the middle and all of their researchers eager to ask for assistance in securing their lines.  I helped as best I  can but I left them all with the same advice: Move.  I’ve known Dredge to expand excavations aggressively and all I could think of was how many people would die all for the pursuit of ancient knowledge.

I managed to find an aged Dwarven Key what i tucked into my pack.  It’ll come in handy some day, i’m sure.

My contact in the Order of Whispers met me at Spearhaunt Bane, a welcome shelter from the biting wind and the howl of battle at Black Earth Coalmine nearby.  Orders in hand I took shelter among the ruins for the night before returning to my journey.

I woke in the morning to the sounds of battle.  The Dredge had taken offense to the camp so near their mine and were staging an offensive to capture the ruins.  Seeing little chance in fighting off a concentrated force I made my way to the Asuran waypoint and translocated out of Dredgehaunt, leaving the biting wind behind me.

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I practice The Mirrored Way.  I practice The Shattered Visage.  I am Lyssa’s reflection.

I am the Shattered Mirror.

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A jaunt into the Aetherblade Retreat taught me the folly of my hubris.  I had begun to see the ‘dark’ Asura as childish and obnoxious.  Their true danger had escaped me and it wasn’t until facing down specially designed golems and walls of burning light that I realized where I failed.

A lesson I hope I won’t have to learn again.

I finished my search in Mount Maelstrom, thanked my hosts as I packed up camp and departed for Dredge territory.  I detest the Shiverpeaks and their snow and somehow I keep coming back to the mountain passes and the blinding blizzards.

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Crucible of Eternity

I ran amok with a band of fellow heroes in an Asura base, too close for comfort to Mount Maelstrom.  The mountain being known for violent outbursts and volatile gases, the base was heavily shielded with Asuran magical technology, abominations of the Eternal Alchemy according to some friends.

My path of the Shattered Mirror makes me a uniquely powerful Mesmer.  The only beast I encountered in all of the sub-aquatic base was a “Subject Alpha” who gave me a run for my money.  We triumphed and parted ways, but not before smashing about every console and routing half the bases’ defensive response.

I’m still dwelling near the Mount, hopefully my journey ends tonight.  I have a few more nooks to peer into.

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I should do this more often

Hawken comes along nicely.  An arena shooter featuring you as a large-ish robot.  More action than strategy, a mild amount of real money investment to customize.  I enjoy the idea for 10/15 minutes a day or weekend.  I’m not dedicated for more than that.

I talked a friend into spinning up EVE Online a bit.  So far he likes it and committed to a 3 month run.  EVE provides a sandbox experience that’s immediately deeper than most other games on the market.  There’s so much information to be absorbed you spend your first couple of sessions wrapping your head around some of the concepts.

Meanwhile I got back into Guild Wars 2 right as the recent festival was ending.  I reached out via Reddit to find a guild with active players.  My previous guild, managed by my roommate is sorta dead.  But that happens when you run an exclusive friends/family guild.  I still retain leadership power, as GW2 doesn’t lock you out of guild memberships, but I don’t expect any of the six members to come flocking back anytime soon.

RIFT went Free to Play, my few hours with it have shown me that it’s a solid game with a reliable mechanic.  I don’t find it compelling as it’s more of the same Fantasy MMO I’ve gotten used to, but you might find it more interesting.

Last of Us finally came out and so far it sounds amazing.  I watched the first ten minutes via YouTube on a favored channel of mine.  I got that same anxiety I get when I watch other suspense zombie movies.  Fantastic, if you’re looking for that kind of thing.  I’ll be playing but I’ll surely wait for a bright, sunny weekend.

Meanwhile, Shadowrun Returns, a strategy/rpg of the Shadowrun Genre releases on July 25th.  I’m excited as I’ve been waiting for this since the Kickstarter convinced me to give my token support.  It’s coming with full tools to build your own missions and so I look forward to forum threads on construction and playthrough of various homemade stories.

As always, you can submit personal requests via malformedfork (at) gmail.  I’ll do what I can.

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The Sims

I never got into the first Sims, I only half paid attention to it’s plethora of expansions or the sequel Sims 2 and it’s additions.  I had friends what played briefly and I never saw the attraction.

It wasn’t until my roommate was playing one day, the 3rd day in a semi seasonal binge, that I started paying attention.  I asked some questions and soon found myself playing my own copy of Sims 3.

I can tell you some things about Sims.  First… try it.  It’s cheap now and if you like Simulations you might find yourself telling stories sooner than you think.  But make no mistake, this is a Simulation.  You can attain a level of direct control but many of the facets are randomly generated from the game itself.

Second, get the expansions.  The core ones at least.  The Stuff Packs are just stuff, naturally.  The full expansions add content such as new careers, places to explore, venues to socialize.

Third, check out the forums or fan pages.  You can download a disgusting amount of additional content for your game for free.  Dresses, couches, house plans, makeup, etc.  I only briefly skimmed one page and saw more than I would ever probably use.  My roommate spends an hour or two there each month picking up new things for her collection.

As for the game.. You start with a single Sim during what we’ll call Character Creation.  You can make this sim tall or short, fat or skinny.  You pick traits like personality, favorite foods and life goals.  You can expand your sim to a full family adding children from toddler to young adult, a spouse.

Gameplay focuses around tasks like cleaning up around the house, watering plants.  A context sensitive menu appears on each thing you click on to offer you options.  More options open if you have certain skills.  I once had a sim who could fix the TV when it broke and managed to modify the Oven to be Self-Cleaning.  Of course, this didn’t mean jack when he tried to fix the teleporter after a rigorous workout and wound up electrocuting himself and died.

On the Sims in your immediate family are within the range of your control, a green gem called the plumbob hovering over their head to signify focus.  You can meet other sims, call them up for chats or invite them to parties.  If you manage to woo them into your family as a married partner then you get them and all their assets to command as you wish.  Similarly, if they leave your family you them and their possessions.

Sims have goals, dreams and desires, that they can sometimes complete on their own.  “Gaze at the Stars” is easy if you have a telescope and the sim will accommodate themselves at their earliest convenience.  In fact the games’ automation can make for an interesting ant-farm approach with you only having to perform a minimum of dialog choices.  Chief among the choices you’ll have to involve yourself in are purchases.  Sims go to work, they make dinner or order pizza, they’ll bath and clean but one thing you will have to do is buy them stuff.  Couches, bookcases, Computers, etc.  Sims will develop Wants about having a thing and you will have to involve yourself to buying that from the shopping interface.

That being said.. you might wind up spending a lot of time here.  This same interface lets you modify the layout of your house, add rooms and decorate.  A function that’s important as a house without a smoke detector is liable to kill a sim.  Add a clock and a picture, raising the decor and relaxation value of the room.  A sparse house isn’t very relaxing and your sim won’t want to spend time there.

This is a game where you can lose days playing and telling the stories to friends about your fake people.  The ridiculous dramas and exaggerated reactions.  I’ll leave you with my recommendation: Buy it, play it, see if you like it.  If you do, get the expansions and drop me an email.  I’ll link you to a website where you can get some mods i’m told “Make the game work.”  I never had problem with the base unmodified game but I hear the mods make the game loads better.

My first Sim was a guy, technically apt and aspired to the Engineering career.  He met his wife socially on the street and married her in short order.  Their daughter aspired to be amazingly famous from day 1 and spent all her time after school playing guitar on the steps of City Hall.  This went swell until Dad died one day and Daugher spent every waking moment in mourning for 3 days.  Get out of bed. Cry. Go Pee. Cry.  Take Shower. Cry.  Make Sandwich.  Cry.

It was barely over when mom died of old age and the process began anew..


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Questions? I can help!

If you have a question about anything and would like my opinion you’re welcome to email me:

Start your subject with “Query” and I’ll do my best to respond in a timely manner.

If you don’t follow these instructions I can’t make promises what will happen to your email.  I have ravenous attack filters what are likely to devour poorly tagged email.


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Monaco is out

And I think most of you should get it.  PC and XBox.  Fairly cheap, 15 bucks apiece, 45 if you’ve got three other friends who want to play.  I haven’t played yet though my mind is getting crushed by the idea of getting home and trying it out.

Brief reviews I’ve skimmed all say great things about it.  It’s got some kind of campaign that tells a story, amusing and interesting gameplay and the screenshots don’t do it justice.  We’ll talk about it later, once I’ve burned a couple of hours into it.

On a side note, i’m setting up an email point where you could ask me about anything and I can talk about it here.  I’ll do a whole post about it so it’s clear and easy to spot.

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Werewolf: Verona

I’m a geek of varied feather.  I play games, obviously, more often than I care admit sometimes.  Among my interests are Tabletop RPG’s.  Y’know.. the ones where you sit in a room and roll some plastic dice and drink Mt Dew til dawn rears it’s ugly head.

Friday nights are an open-mic night at my apartment.  Among the regular attendees one of us runs a game until we get bored or we need a break.  For a brief time it was a quiet TV interlude.  For the past few months it’s been Vampire in one capacity or another and very soon it’ll be Werewolf.

My roommate has engineered a diverse social structure for a fictional city set on the East Coast, one where all her games are based leading to a kind of familiarity you don’t often see in RPG’s.  You could talk to her for hours about the people in this city, what they’re up to and who pissed off whom.  Her and I often talk about npc’s in previous games and what we did or didn’t like about them.

Among her and my favorite was Alexi.  We’ll talk about characters later, I have so much space and so much time it’s bound to happen.

Lexicon for the Uninitiated:

Werewolf – Werewolf: The Forsaken (

Vampire – Vampire: The Requiem (

RPG – Role Playing Game

PC – Player Character (participant)

NPC – Non-Player Character (everyone you’re going to talk to, shoot at, talk about, bargain with or otherwise interact with all voiced and operated by the GM)

GM – Game Master (Also the Dungeon Master [DM], Moderator or Storyteller)

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I watched Looper over the most recent weekend.  I liked it.  I liked how it didn’t move at the speed I expected it to.  I liked how it was a movie about Time Travel even when they dance around the topic.

I can’t say much without spoiling the movie, of course.  I thought the acting was top notch.

We won’t put this in the same box as Primer as that movie is more of a thinking man’s movie and almost requires a chart to understand completely.  I certainly benefited from reviewing a timeline post-viewing.  Instead we’ll put this in with other movies that happen to be well-written dramas that happen to feature a weird thing that isn’t non-integral to the events in question.

When I find an example of another movie of this type, i’ll let you know.

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