It requires sacrifice, I read somewhere. You have to give up something for growth.

I put aside the Relentless Augur, my Python, in favor of the sleek and nimble Krait MK 2. The python has served me well and while I find her cockpit appropriately spacious I find my needs drifting after something nimble. The contours on the Krait aren’t anything to write home about. Much has been said about it’s ‘upside down’ style and I don’t have a pressing need for it’s Fight Bay. But I do find it’s top speed a precious commodity and it’s canopy welcoming in the depths of space.
I took a Krait to the Heart and Soul nebula. I took one to the Guardian satellite. And yet I struggle with giving up the Python. Sometimes I feel like I just just rip off the bandage. I keep my Python because losing it means giving up my Inara registration though I could easily never fly one ever again.