With the last mutterings of my incantation Carbuncle appeared from the air before me. Refreshed and renewed and ready for the day ahead he chirped his approval.
“What adventures shall we get up to today, my friend?”

I sensed an indifference in my companion and so I left it to myself to consider for a while. “We should hunt!” I shouted, after a moment.
Hours later, laden with snacks from the Lady of Silver, I crossed the waters into over the Fringes. The hunt-master in Rhalgr’s Reach was out but one of his assistants was very forthcoming with information on what beasts were most plentiful and causing the greatest turmoil. And so we flew over the hills and peaks looking for our elusive prey.
Nestled near along the ravine we found the first of our quarry.

An ornery mountain goat plundering grasses need by grazing livestock and foolishly harassing passing travelers on their way to Peering Stones. As I slew the third and last of my listed prey I noted a curious greyness enter the air. I wasn’t immediately suspicious but I picked up the pace and hoped to be back near a warm fire before an unpleasant chill settled in.