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Month: July 2015

ESO, done? Neverwinter, next!

I finished the main plot in Elder Scrolls Online. Not really dramatic or thriller stuff but certainly interesting from a game perspective.

Neverwinter is next and I have what sounds like a good week or two ahead of me just, to finish leveling and plot.  On top of a list of other objectives for collecting hench-persons and bags there’s a plethora of user-created content that has my eye.

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Summer, the bane of performance computer gaming

The heat wave has passed and my computer is once again reasonable to use during the day.  I’ve cycled into maintenance tasks in Minecraft.  I’ve reached the crux of the mods I’m working with and i’m up to farming beans (magic beans) to hybridize and build out my supply of Thaumcraft Essentia.

I spent several days hanging out with Katie of where we talked about Pathfinder, WoW and EVE Online.

I suspect we’ll have more coverage ideas on this blog in the nearing future.  I’m planning a brief jaunt into Neverwinter with dropping some money and playing some content.  I haven’t topped level cap there yet.  I topped ESO and completed the first-run plot, so I’m story-complete as far as I’m concerned.  Though I’ve toyed with the notion of running the other faction stories just to see how they compare.

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Been a while, right?

I’ve played a prodigious amount of Minecraft in the last month or so.  Coupled with a heat wave that made my computer unbearable I have little to talk about.

I considered delving into rocketry again.  Something a coworker said reminded me of Estes Rockets and now that I have money and time I thought I could get back into the hobby.  Sadly, I don’t have space to do the kind of construction it requires nor the venue to launch and recover from.  It’s on my to-do list, but something that will take more than 5 minutes Amazon research to work out.

A friend of mine is playing FFXIV and it’s new expansion as well as Witcher 3.  Such that I haven’t seen him in a few weeks so I’m assuming they’re quite good.  I watched him stream Witcher one night, it’s very pretty and appears very well done.

I picked up a new phone and Puzzles and Dragons again for some mobile entertainment.  Taking a break from reading my book in the morning meant finding something else to fill the time.  I like the mix of Pokemon and Bejeweled, certainly gives me something to enjoy on the commute.

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