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Month: December 2012

On Vampire and under-used abilities

I’ve crossed it on occasion as a frequent argument.  Powers that nobody takes or uses, GM’s that argue it’s usefulness.

I fight back, I like to believe there are no choices bad in a tabletop RPG, merely varying in situational relevance.  Such was the discussion last night about having Animalism (the ability to speak and command animals as a Vampire) in a game set in the run-down un-recovered fragmented New Orleans mock-up we’re using.  I’ve wedged my foot into that door as I do with many GM’s, start small establish an idea and then remind them that this idea is workable.  That this idea would be well used here and there.

And there I was.. sitting in a worn-down ward of the city trying to make sense of some semi random murders and wishing I had more accurate information to move on.  “This is where Animalism would be good.” referencing an earlier argument on the usefulness of said powers.  The GM in question has come to an accord on the idea.  So I have at least that much victory.

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My god… so many games that I’ve put money into or want to put money into.

Elite: Dangerous sounds delicious.  I played Elite briefly when I was a but a small child with many dreams and little understanding.  I didn’t get into heavily as I just had no idea what was happening.  20 odd years later and I’m deeply excited to see this happen.  I’ve always remembered it as a complex game about space and trading.  Was I right? No clue, I’ve never gone back.  But I always look forward to a rebuild that looks great.

Legend of Dungeon I put money into, i’m a sucker for quality rpg dungeonish games.  I played the demo briefly and I can see a quality here that will be fantastic once it’s farther along.  If you remember Gauntlet, Castle Crashers, TMNT: Turtles in Time or some of the other early 90’s games you’ll understand the controls easily enough and perhaps even enjoy the approach.

Wastelands 2 is on my radar.  I gave them what it took to get a copy when it launches and I expect to be talking more come next summer.  I’m not normally into post-apocalypse games.  The time after The End is often boring, brown and full of zombie-mutants as though someone forgot to have ideas when building their game.  Wasteland hit many radars forever ago and I decided they had a quality idea after watching the introduction video on Kickstarter.

Numenera is probably not on your radar as much as mine.  My first love was Tabletop RPG’s and it’ll always be a love I come back to.  Monte Cook has been in the industry for nigh unto forever and his other projects I’ve enjoyed.  Numenera stands as an RPG approach to a world that’s seen many civilizations that came and went.  The ninth is the current one you play in, a realm of mystery as the previous civilizations projects or experiments still roam the world.  Also scheduled for sometime next summer.

Planet Annihilation is the last for now.  Real-Time Strategy games were frequent among my rommmates as the easy option for 3/4 person multiplayer.  We played them a lot and we played most of them.  PA looks to take the idea up a notch.  Why settle for smiting a bulding when you can drop a moon and obliterate a planet?  I was so tickled with excitement I barely remember giving them money.  But I’m getting emails about it so clearly I gave them something.

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It was a conversation I had briefly.  Some friends I’m likely to invite here once I have something worth saying or reading.  But the conversation was rooted on the idea that there aren’t a lot of games that have cooperative multiplayer.  Local or otherwise.

I agreed and I still agree.  It’s been a rough idea for a long time.  My sarcastic words “What!? You have FRIENDS and want to PLAY with them? Bah!” have been with me for years and years.  I had four roommates and we played everything together.  Either, at the same time or in the same game.  Tricky for games like Skyrim, easy for games like Borderlands.

So I took to myself the challenge of sorting out my options and seeing what I can find to solve this query.

Expect more this month as I dig into blogs and comment on what’s out there.

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